Optimize your brand’s YouTube channel in 7 ways

As I discussed in a previous blog post, businesses should utilize social media marketing as a way of building and growing their online presence. In fact, while Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms are important, However, there’s another website where you should establish a strong presence: YouTube.

Before digging into how to optimize your brand’s YouTube channel, let me first present to you some facts which are the reasons why your brand should have a YouTube channel and post videos regularly.


-YouTube has over a billion users — almost one-third of all people on the Internet — and every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views. (Source: YouTube statistics). Given these numbers, it’s not surprising that so many businesses are turning to YouTube to create a video presence.

-Aside from being the second biggest search engine, YouTube is owned by Google. So when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), videos are more likely to appear in search results than other websites.

-YouTube is a hosting service that’s free and makes doing business easier. It also gives your business a face and points people in the direction of your website.

-When people are searching for videos online, YouTube is the first place they go to.

-YouTube is a powerful business tool. It can help expose your brand to potential customers, communicate with existing customers and even serve as an internal communication channel.

After all these convincing facts, you will be missing out on a great opportunity if you’re ignoring the potential in YouTube.

So before jumping in or even if you already have a channel for your business, you should make sure your channel is fully optimized so that you can make the most of YouTube. Here are 7 of the best ways to do this:

1. Make your channel visually appealing and structured

Create eye-catching design and add important features like your business logo, channel art, channel description, social media buttons, and link to your official website.

Don’t forget to select or upload a trailer video for your channel, which best represents your brand. The trailer is a video meant to introduce your channel to new viewers. It will autoplay whenever an unsubscribed viewer visits your channel, so here’s your opportunity to get them hooked!

2. Create playlists on your channel

Make your channel easy to navigate by using playlists to categorize the various videos you have on your channel.

Utilizing YouTube playlists can keep viewers longer time on your channel increasing your overall video views. Why? Because at the end of each video YouTube will automatically play the next video in the list. This is a good way to prevent competitor videos showing up upon the completion of your video.

Playlists are also a great tool to make it easier for viewers to find videos related to a similar topic they are interested in, and they create a much user-friendly experience for your viewers.

3. Update your channel consistently and engage with your audience

Keep your channel active by uploading new videos regularly and updating your content. YouTube allows comments on your videos and your Channel. Respond to these comments in a timely manner to improve your Channel’s reach and encourage fans to come back.

4. Optimize your videos for keyword rankings

Choosing the right keywords isn’t just important to draw YouTube users, it can also affect your Google search ranking. Therefore, make your videos findable both within and outside of YouTube by focusing on the title, description, and tags. Make sure your relevant keywords are in the first few words of your title. Be as descriptive and keyword-rich as possible and try to use the word “video” in the description. And be sure to include any and all related keywords in the tags field.

5. Promote your YouTube channel and videos on different networks

Place a link to the YouTube channel in other social media networks, email signatures, websites, blogs, and more.

Also any time you upload your video to YouTube, you’ve created a content asset that should be properly promoted to your social media channels. So go ahead and post it to Facebook, Tweet it and post it on LinkedIn. You can also send the video to your mailing list, embed it in your blog posts, and on your website.

6. Make sure your videos are optimized for mobile

Your audience expects a great experience no matter how they choose to engage with your content, so you should be prepared to present your video marketing campaigns on all mobile devices. Just keep the small screen in mind when creating videos to ensure there are no small objects or messages that are difficult to see.

7. Track, analyze, and measure

YouTube offers in-depth analytics within its platform for free, where you can monitor the performance of your channel and videos with up-to-date metrics and reports in YouTube Analytics.

YouTube analytics are a gold mine of information which you can leverage to not only get more views on YouTube, but to turn those views into subscribers, leads, and sales. It provides a wealth of data to help you understand your audience, discovery, and engagement.

So in order to have a successful video marketing strategy, you must analyze your video performance metrics. There’s a ton of data available: You’ll see an Overview along with reports in 3 general categories – Earnings, Watch Time (which includes watching time, audience retention, demographics, traffic sources, devices…) & Engagement (which include subscribers, likes and dislikes, comments…)

The popularity of YouTube is staggering and video marketing is an exciting challenge.

YouTube Is A Natural Home For Your Video Content.

That’s why having a well-optimized YouTube channel with interesting video content can seriously increase your audience, and rank you in the second most popular search engine in the world.

So what are you waiting for? Start creating and sharing great video. However, no one will continue playing your video after the first few seconds, if the production quality is low. Therefore you need a professional video production company to provide you videos of high production quality. And you are at the right destination!! Contact Business Motion to get started.

We hope you enjoyed our post. Give us your feedback in the comments section below. And come back for our next post, it will be in 2 weeks.

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