6 Video Trends in 2022

Videos are a prominent and essential tool for everyone who wishes to promote a brand, event, or service online. You will find them everywhere on all social media channels and you will be drawn to them the most, more than text & visuals. The many types of videos in all their genres are becoming popular and all informative, marketing, educational, or entertaining video and others have the potential to reach a worldwide audience and get people to engage and take the desired action. That’s why when you think of promoting your business online, you can never overlook digital videos, especially in this day & age. TikTok, YouTube & Instagram among other platforms have shaped the importance and popularity of videos and people are following video trends like never before, that’s why it is crucial to take advantage of this phenomenon in business settings. So we have looked around and come up with a list of the most watched videos in 2022.

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  1. No Sound Needed

In today’s busy world, people are constantly on the move and often are restless. There is just so much to do! Even if they are just laying back and scrolling through their phones, there is also just so much to see! There are many applications and social media channels that most people just can’t give all their attention to just one thing. Videos tend to end up in the background, while the viewer is busy checking emails or text messages. Marketers have found a way around that, a way that can get the viewer’s attention and can fit into their busy lives. They stopped focusing on audio and have created silent videos that can still get the message across and grab people’s attention. How? They incorporated subtitles, highlighted main points in bog bold text, and designed visually appealing clips.

  1. Neat & Short Won the Race

Instagram’s Reels, YouTube’s Shorts, and TikTok’s short clips have shifted media consumption habits to complement people’s short attention spans. A well-made video will catch people’s attention and get the message across clearly in the first 3 to 4 seconds only! That’s why quality content is something that should never be taken for granted! Get them hooked before they can ever skip the video!

  1. SEO

Optimization also works and is an essential part of marketing videos! If you want the video that your team has worked so hard and devotedly on to appear in search engines, you have to pay undivided attention to your content, titles, and descriptions and use keywords for better SEO!

  1. Sponsored Videos

Thanks to the popularity of video content, YouTube has become the second largest search engine right after Google. And with the popularity of YouTube, more and more people are working to become video creators, professional content creators, and influencers. However, the field is competitive and these creators are always looking to make a steady income out of their videos, so they resort to sponsored videos.

  1. Call to Action

So, you got people to watch your video successfully, now what? What do you want them to do after that? Inciting them to shop for your product or visit your website and making it easy and accessible for them to do so through your video is the way to go about boosting your sales and growing traffic to your website. Adding a clear call to action at the end and shoppable links will get your audience to the next step of your marketing plan. Plus, implementing quizzes and polls and other engaging content will create an interactive relationship between you and your audience/customers!

  1. Tutorials

People resort to the internet and mostly YouTube and Google to learn how to do everyday stuff. While schools do most of the theoretical teaching, there is a lot about everyday necessities that are just overlooked by curriculums, like paying bills and changing tires, etc. Videos are an efficient tool for sharing all types of information, and most people prefer to learn visually rather than by text. Tutorials and DIYs are two of the most prominent video trends today.

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Videos are dominating the digital world, and new trends are being born every day that it has become quite hard to keep up. Handling your company’s video marketing to professionals is always a great idea to make the most out of this promising technology & follow the latest video trends.

Hire teams like Business Motion for unique and professional content production!

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